Friday, April 4, 2008

What's my age again?

I am afflicted with injuries and diseases usually associated with the under 10 crowd. All week I've had monster bruises on both legs from falling down the stairs at the SAAs (twice). I was wearing new and fancy shoes and the stairs were outside in the slippery rain. If it weren't for R. and Nikki, I'd probably still be lying in a pile at the base of the stairs. The bruises are wayyy darker than they appear in these shots. The left knee is dark blue on one whole side, and my right shin is scraped and has a nasty yellow bruise. Pretty right? The worst part is that I also beat the crap out of my brand new conference shoes in the fall(s). The whole top of the right one is scuffed and pitted. I wore them for approximately 6 hours total.
To top it all off, this morning I woke up with the second most embarrassing kid disease ever (after head lice of course):
Pink Eye!!

When I woke up, my right eye was glued shut. G.ross. double gross. I looked in the mirror though and everything seemed clear and alright, so I went to work as normal. During the day people kept mentioning that my eye looked red, so I got worried and went to the doctor. Not before I shared a microscope with everyone in the lab (I'm so so sorry, Ashley!) and shook a lot of hands at a morning conference. Go me. I'm typhoid Mary. Pink eye Mary. Pink eye Mary who has to wear her glasses for at least 5 days. And has to change her pillow case.
I keep threatening to give R. butterfly kisses., but he won't come near me and says I'm disgusting. I don't think that's very husband-y behavior do you? Aren't I supposed to get cake or something?
Mom, sorry for the break from looking on the bright side, it must be my right eye that does all that. She's temporarily seeing pink.


Tiffany said...

I'm sorry. I had pinkeye my first year in law school, which was really annoying. But I got a kick out of threatening to contaminate people's laptops who annoyed me. See, there is a bright side!

I believe my R was as sympathetic as yours is, as well. He did not think the keyboard contamination threat was funny either. sigh.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby.
It's okay to talk about your boo boos. Especially when you make it funny, like you did.
I have blue eye in both eyes, but I don't usually mention it.

Anonymous said...

Nice Legs Lizzie! I remember you climbing mountain trails at Easter in pretty little red slippers!! I was wearing ugly tennies. Sorry for all the owies. Pink eye is no fun either. Don't make R any pies if he doesn't be nice!!
You do look very professional in your glasses.
Love, Jeanne

Archaeology Ash said...

Your microscope-sharing-though-still-uncontaminated- friend.