Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Meet me at the Fair

This weekend Dana, Matt, Deanna, Shannon and I went to the Pima County Fair. It seems strange to have a county fair in the Spring, and I was skeptical, but this fair had all of the key ingredients:
There were lots of FFA and 4H kids with their animals. They had goats, horses, cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs, peacocks, and even a row of pigeons (gross).There were also tractors!Most importantly, there were corn dogs, funnel cake, fried zucchini, and popcorn.

...aaaand (stop reading here Mom and Dad)

we rode rides!I put my life in the hands of drunk hobos.and it was awesome


katie o. said...

Those were really amazing photos, Lizzie!

Emily Hunter said...

YAAAY!! I love your pics! All I can think of is Templeton in "Charlotte's Web," and the song he sings after becoming one of the "drunk hobos" at the fair: "ohhhh, a fair is a verrr-itable smorgasbord-orgasbord-orgasbord..."