Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I missed you!

Dear Marmalade,
It's been a really really long time since I last wrote to you. There has been so much going on in my life, that really, it's been hard to find a time to sit down and write about any of it. I know, it seems like if I have time to write about the minutiae of cake baking, hummingbirds, and the exploits of Orbit and Georgie, I would surely get around to writing about major educational milestones, trips to Georgia, family parties, and the return to Tucson and impending summer. But I haven't. You know why? Mostly because I don't have pictures of any of that.
The milestones were passed. The trip to the dirrrrty south was awesome. It was family-filled and utterly sleep deprived. Like, no sleep. All drinking. Wine drinking. There are wonderful pictures of the party (hint hint) that I would love to post (nudge nudge) if people would email them my way.
I also got to visit with the brilliant Liam and the adorable Ezra. I now know the difference between an Allosaurus and a T.Rex. Toes are a very important distinction, you know. Liam is the best fisherman, golfer, racer, paleontologist, and sportscaster I've ever met. I am a very proud auntie.
Up next for this week: planning a going away party for the B-H family (noooo!), working on school nonsense, baking April's cake (strawberry? lemon cream?), and catching up on missing sleep.
So, my lovely Marmalade, I promise to write more often and to not neglect you like that again.


Anonymous said...

I taught that boy everything he knows...

TucsonLizzie said...

Old Nasty! When are you going to get yourself a blog?

Archaeology Ash said...

I missed you too! Can't wait to see pictures!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was severely Marmalade deprived and had to resort to e-mailing R in desperation. Will wait for pictures. Hope you got a package, however late.

Brook said...

More info on T Rexes: T Rex Closer to Gizzards. Also I noticed that your new blog. Kudos, but what will happen to Tucsonlizzie? will I still be able to talk to her?