There were lots of FFA and 4H kids with their animals. They had goats, horses, cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs, peacocks, and even a row of pigeons (gross).
...aaaand (stop reading here Mom and Dad)
we rode rides!
Dear Marmalade,
It's been a really really long time since I last wrote to you. There has been so much going on in my life, that really, it's been hard to find a time to sit down and write about any of it. I know, it seems like if I have time to write about the minutiae of cake baking, hummingbirds, and the exploits of Orbit and Georgie, I would surely get around to writing about major educational milestones, trips to Georgia, family parties, and the return to
The milestones were passed. The trip to the dirrrrty south was awesome. It was family-filled and utterly sleep deprived. Like, no sleep. All drinking. Wine drinking. There are wonderful pictures of the party (hint hint) that I would love to post (nudge nudge) if people would email them my way.
I also got to visit with the brilliant Liam and the adorable Ezra. I now know the difference between an Allosaurus and a T.Rex. Toes are a very important distinction, you know. Liam is the best fisherman, golfer, racer, paleontologist, and sportscaster I've ever met. I am a very proud auntie.
Up next for this week: planning a going away party for the B-H family (noooo!), working on school nonsense, baking April's cake (strawberry? lemon cream?), and catching up on missing sleep.
So, my lovely Marmalade, I promise to write more often and to not neglect you like that again.