Monday, February 18, 2008

Mexican coke

I'm very sad that my dear friend Ashley is moving away. I've been thinking about all the stuff I'll miss when she leaves, all the things that would make me too sad to list in a blog. Instead, I'm going to start a list of all the things Ashley will miss when she moves away from the Old Pueblo.
1. calling your hometown "the old pueblo"
2. Rodeo break
3. Thursday drink specials
4. Mexican coke.
Mexican coke may just be the biggest perk to living in a border town. You see, as an Atlanta girl, I have to say that American coke is the finest thing ever invented, but when you taste Mexican coke, you'll know that we Americans have sold out.
Autumn's friend Mike enjoying Mexican coke in Sonora

Mexican coke is still made with sugar instead of corn syrup. It makes a huge difference and Mexican coke is delicious. You can't get it everywhere, but at certain restaurants and burrito shops, you can get rebottled, imported Mexican coke. Which brings me to #5,
5. Really great burrito places.

To be continued...

p.s. still messing with blog colors. Don't worry Whit, I don't think this is permanent.


katie o. said...

Um, you might want to reconsider how many times you type the words, "Mexican Coke". I think you might get some unwanted visitors to your blog.


marge said...

Ashley is leaving??????
NOoooo. Say it ain't so.
We loves Ashley!

Archaeology Ash said...

Ohhh Lizzie! I will miss all of those things! You made me all choked up... This whole situation can be easily solved if you and R just come with us.

TucsonLizzie said...

I know. I can't stand it that Ashley's leaving. I can't hardly think about it. Luckily, she's moving to a great place for visiting.

Emily said...

I love your blog! (your creativity is right up my ally!) So glad I ran into it today... it makes me a little homesick, as I am from AZ (prescott). I have never had a mexican coke though, it sounds so much better than an american one.

Greg said...

How have I never heard of this Mexican Coke. I even went through the full tour in the ATL Coke Museum, and it never came up. I must try this.