Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I've been walking to work lately and I really enjoy it. It's been great exercise and I like spending the time alone in the mornings. I see a lot of really pretty things on my walk, but this morning might take the cake. Here is a hummingbird sitting in her nest. How about that! Can you see her? She's right in the middle of the picture peeking out of a teeny round nest.
I spend a lot of time griping about Tucson, but I guess it really is ok sometimes.


Brook said...

How lovely!I can't believe you managed to get such a great pic. I saw a humming bird in UT in the first week that I moved here. I took it as a positive sign. Go Tucson!

Tiffany said...

I am so envious! Tuscon is supposed to be great for birds. Also, I'm glad that I could offer some inspiration! Biscuits are so nice to have in your repertoire--my next project with them is going to be as a topping for a chicken pot pie, once I find a recipe that I like for the pie part (no peas!).

katie o. said...

Don't you love when you get to see Nature doing her thing? When you just happen to look in the right direction at exactly the right moment and get rewarded with a special glimpse into another world?

Oh, and hummingbird, I love your teeny tiny nest-it is so cute!