Monday, July 16, 2007


p.s. saw this at work today. Did not scream.


jennypah said...

Uh ... holy crap?! Was that a picture that you took of it? Ick, I hate creepy crawlies but at the same time they're oddly fascinating. Be careful out there.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. That picture's really close up. It was really about baseball sized in diameter. We see them kind of frequently, but I happened to have my camera that day. I hate hate hate tarantulas and spend all day looking out for them.

karmakat said...

You might not have screamed, but I think I just did.
YIKES !!!!

Unknown said...

Let's clarify this statement. You did not scream because you fainted? Or, you did not scream because you were looking for your camera and were basically deluded by the thought that if you took it's picture it would not hurt you because you would have evidence of it's identity? Is someone watching too much CSI?