Tuesday, January 29, 2008


My sister and I are both making paper mache projects this month. We decided to make seagulls. I've never done paper mache before (except maybe on a balloon in school), but this was really fun. By really fun, I mean it was really messy. Mine has an aluminum foil core and was covered with Saturday and Sunday's newspaper cut into strips.

I made the goop you dip the paper in out of flour (all purpose), water, and some Elmer's glue. I don't know if you need the glue, but it seemed like it couldn't hurt.
I think that the kind of newspaper you make your bird out of affects his future personality. I tried to give mine a balance of the comics and the obituaries. There's a sudoku on his head for intelligence, and an auto parts add on his tail to remind him to be a fast flier.

I didn't think it was going to work at first because it was so gloppy and wet. I left him on the front porch overnight, though, and he dried just fine. It was even raining outside, so it's not like it was just Tucson dryness helping me out. He came out really hard and heavier than I expected.

Next weekend, I think I will paint him and add some birdy details. Maybe Karen will share pictures of hers.


Archaeology Ash said...

How cool is that! Where are you going to hang it?

KarenMChesney said...

my wee birdee has no wings yet. But he's got a body...it's a start.

Anonymous said...

Inquiring minds want to know if birdies are done yet? Pictures? Selling on internet? A seagull mobile would look great on my porch!