Thursday, January 3, 2008


I got a bunch of packages of sculpey for Christmas and I'm having so much fun with it. I've been making dollhouse food. First I made some tomatoes:

Then I made some eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Dollhouse people are best when they've had a good breakfast. They also like treats, so I made them some doughnuts too.

The pictures are a little weird, but it's hard to take close-up pictures of really tiny, shiny things. Anyway, I'll go find my (homeless) dollhouse people and ask them if they're hungry. They'd better be, they haven't eaten in about 15 years.


katie o. said...

So cute!!! I have Sculpey, as well, but it doesn't come out shiny like yours...what am I doing wrong?

Anonymous said...

The sculpey food is so yummy-looking. Can you do a bunch of tiny grapes? I have been getting caught up on your blog I read everything since June and am feeling very happy to get the full story on the tidbits Rob has told me. I especially loved the saga of the tiny people since I met them during Thanksgiving.Cute little sleeping bags oddly reminiscent of red birds we sewed during a movie.

Archaeology Ash said...

Sculpy!! We should play Scuply during the New Hampshire primary coverage. We can make tiny donkey symbols and Obamas!