Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Even though it is possible that this is a greeting card holiday that puts undue pressure on men to buy expensive jewelry or flowers or candy, I still enjoy a designated day of lovin'. Me and my Valentine have been taking it easy today. He competed in a racquetball tournament this morning and then we went back to the zoo this afternoon. Tonight we're going to make a lovely little feast out of pork loin, garlic-y pasta, and asparagus. yum. Maybe I will take some pictures of the cooking and share them tomorrow. I did a teeny bit of hearty (har har) crafting. I made these using the pattern on Martha Stewart's website last week. They took no time at all.
One of them is stuffed with homegrown catnip and a jingle bell. We quickly had to take that one away from its fat little recipient this morning. Orbit got really high and worked up. He wouldn't stop meowing and then he bit me. Very out of character. No more drugs for Orbit. Remember the last time we had to take the catnip away?

My sweetheart did bring home flowers and chocolate. I love them! The flowers are the hugest bunch of bright yellow chrysanthemums (with an "e") and a red heart full of truffles. The best!

Don't they smell nice?

I bought my Valentine a little gift to let him know how hot I think he is.

This isn't as random as it seems. He really likes Tabasco.


marge said...

Really sweet.
You guys are so good together.

Happy Valentines Day to you both!

Anonymous said...

Awe...super sweet. Gotta love that hot sauce!

Emily Hunter said...

I caught the "with an 'e'" reference... glad you had a lovely day with your love.

Archaeology Ash said...

Ohh, I like the use of multiple font colors. It was so festive.