Friday, May 9, 2008


My glasses are broken. They've been too big for a while now and I thought they were just getting stretched out. Nope, yesterday I noticed a little crack above one of the springs that's making the part that goes over your ears splay way out. If I tilt my head down, they slip down my nose. I hate (really hate) wearing my glasses anyway, but now that they don't fit, they feel extra bulky and dorky.
Apparently I was mulling all of this over in my sleep last night. I woke up this morning really early, the sky was mostly still dark and the room was just a little grey. In my sleepy head I suddenly had a brilliant idea, I could just use "occulus reparo" on my glasses. Of course! Then I wouldn't have to pay for a brand new pair or wear taped up ones. My brain woke up a little more and told me that I cannot perform magic, so I resolved to ask one of my friends to do the charm for me instead. I happily went back to sleep. When I woke up again at 7:30, I realized that maybe I shouldn't read Harry Potter before falling asleep.
I made an appointment with the muggle eye doctor at noon.


Anonymous said...

You can too perform magic! It's called kitchen magic, and you are the best cake conjurer around!

Brook said...

Hmmm, that makes me think. If you could have the power for one Harry Potter spell. charm, jinx, curse, which one would you pick? I'm thinking accio. Oh the hours I've lost to keys burried in couch cushions, underneath my pillow, shoved in a drawer...

TucsonLizzie said...

Ooo yeah, accio engagement ring! wingardium leviosa would make moving your luggage and carrying in your groceries easier. the one I really need is scurgify! My house would be so much cleaner...

marge said...

After you get your prescription, check out some eyeglasses at you favorite store. When you find some frames that you like, consider buying them online.
You just need to write down the information from the frames that you pick out in the brick and mortar store.
Check out these two links, the first is for a forum article and the second is the link to an actual online glasses provider. You supposedly can get them for way under $100. maybe even as little as $8.00.
We have friends who have tried this and my doctor also recommended doing it this way.

marge said...

Here's another link to a forum about inexpensive eyeglasses.
There are some user reviews and suggestions for more places to order.